

When people ask me what I do and I say I’m in public relations I get mixed response.  Some people think I’m a professional socialite that throws parties for clients ala Samantha on “Sex and the City.”  Others think I sit at my desk all day writing press releases and sending them out to media outlets.  Then there are those that don’t even venture to guess what’s in a day’s work for me.  To be honest, sometimes we do throw parties, or more accurately, plan a variety of events.  And yes, we write press releases and send them out to the media to gain news coverage for clients.  But the true heart of what we do is storytelling. 

Growing up I was always the talker, and if you know me now you’re aware that’s still the case.  But there are stories to be told and I enjoy doing so.  Frankly, everyone that works in public relations should enjoy telling stories, and if they don’t they may be in the wrong field.  We learn as much as we can about our clients, the environment they’re operating in and their clientele or audience so we can tell their story—share it with the world. 

When you’re talking stories and media it’s easy to visualize the article in the newspaper or the two-minute segment on the news.  And yes, that’s something we like to see. But the story we share goes way beyond. Our job is provide information while also shaping the way the public perceives the client.  For example, what is Nevada Silver Trails?  Well, we can easily say that it’s a 38,000-acre section in the south-central third of Nevada that includes more than 20 towns and several state parks.  We can also tell you about the territory’s special events, activities and attractions.  But the real story is that a visit to Nevada Silver Trails can change your life.  It’s an opportunity to experience a landscape like you’ve never seen or reconnect with yourself through adventurous activities or complete solitude.  We talk about the people, places and history you’ll encounter that makes Nevada Silver Trails more than just a boundary on a map or a sentence in a guidebook.

And once we share that story, the one that goes beyond facts and delves into the heart of who or what a client is, we pass the torch.  It’s then time for those who’ve listened to enjoy that experience then share their own story. 

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